Legal Business Development Coaching & Training for Lawyers
Law is one of the world’s most respected professions. It is prestigious, intellectually challenging, personally fulfilling, and financially rewarding. It is also complex, demanding, and competitive. Joan Newman & Associates specializes in legal professional and career development coaching and training. She leverages her 30-year career as a practicing attorney to teach and fine-tune the critical skills necessary for lawyers to improve performance, gain confidence, and achieve success. Her professional and career development programs focus on a variety of critical areas, including time management and organization, building substantive expertise, writing skills, career goals, professional image, work-life balance, and professional etiquette.
Coaching & Training Lawyers in the Art of Professional Development
Joan Newman & Associates offers a variety of legal professional and career development coaching and training services. These include individualized coaching programs for law firm associates and partners, and law department counsel; group training sessions; public speaking on the latest trends in professional development in the legal industry; and facilitating group discussions on techniques to improve professional development skills. Learn more: